• (e)Learning Mapping online resource

An (e)Learning Mapping tool (eLM) has been developed to assist staff in engaging with and implementing Blended Learning. To effectively adopt a blended learning teaching approach involves creating alignment between learning activities (e.g., reading and reflection, quizzes, discussion, problem solving, peer support, guided writing), content types (e.g., theories, concepts, case studies), learning technologies (e.g., print media, video and audio, computer simulations, social networking tools) and learning outcomes (as determined by the course and unit outlines). The eLM is a tool to assist staff in understanding the pedagogy underlying the use of different eLearning tools, technologies and approaches. It is designed to guide staff in their choice of Blended Learning approaches that suit, and are specific to, their context in an informed manner.

A working prototype of the eLM can be found HERE.

NOTE – It is still currently under development as a beta and not yet available for public use.

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