In October 2009 the 3C Project turned the Spotlight on eLearning at PolyU. From the 12th to the 16th October Professor Diana Laurillard visited PolyU and shared with staff her expertise on eLearning in higher education settings. During her time here, Professor Laurillard:
  • Offered consultation opportunities for staff
  • Conducted workshops on eLearning; Pedagogic Design for Active Learning and Modeling Teacher and Learner Productivity and;
  • Gave an open to all lecture on "The effective use of digital technologies for learning and teaching"
Download Materials from the Workshops and Open Lecture

What we hoped to achieve by inviting Professor Laurillard to visit is to:
  • Provide staff at all levels of the University with the opportunity to benefit from the considerable knowledge and experience Professor Laurillard has regarding technology enhanced learning in higher education settings;
  • Assist us to identify strengths and areas for improvement in our current practices as they relate to the use of technology to enhance teaching and learning;
  • Seek feedback on eLearning projects and activities undertaken at PolyU from someone with an internationally recognized expertise in this area;
  • Share our experiences and affirm our aspirations regarding the use of eLearning as a strategic tool in the provision of quality education at The Hong Kong Polytechnic University.
Professor Laurillard has extensive experience supporting academic staff to teach effectively using technology and in providing guidance to senior management on policies and processes to support the use of technology in higher education setting. We very much appreciated the opportunity to work with Professor Laurillard and believe that we will be able to use what we learn from her visit to build on the successes we have already made.


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