2009, 2010

The Teaching and Learning Innovation Award was presented in recognition of excellence and innovation in teaching and learning using a blended learning approach at the Hong Kong Polytechnic University. This award was presented in 2009 and 2010, with the winner on each occasion receiving a certificate and cash prize.  Applications for this award were assessed against criteria relating to the use of blended learning in the PolyU context. On both occasions the award was made, a panel made up of staff from Faculties, Schools, the Library, ITS and a student representative reviewed the submissions for the award. Their recommendation was subsequently endorsed by VP(AD).


Results of the Teaching and Learning Innovation Awards for 2010

Honourable Mention- E-case studies for students studying in the health and rehabilitation field
Prof. C. Li, Dr. A. Siu, Dr. K. Liu, Dr. K. Fong, Ms R. Wong, Mr T.K. Chung

3rd Prize Winner- Personal Skills Development Shopping Mall
Mr. K. Wong, Dr. O. Runets

2nd Prize- CoreSL-HKPolyU in Second Life
Dr. D. Herold, Dr. V. Ng, Mr. P. Penfold, Mr. N. Lau, Ms. M. Lei, Mr. P. Duffy, Ms. G. Au Yeung, Mr. L.C. Yu

Winner of the 2010 Teaching & Learning Innovation Award- Professor Eric Tsui
Leveraging Web 2.0 tools & scenarios to establish a sustainable, high participation and personalised co-learning environment


Results of the Teaching and Learning Innovation Awards for 2009


Dr David Herold (Core SL Team) - nominated for Core SL - the first virtual campus in Asia. Using the 3D world Second Life, it provides interactive and immersive learning for students.

Dr Marco Pang - nominated for enriching his students' learning experience through the implementation of a blended learning approach using of multimedia and a task-based approach.

Mr Paul Penfold - nominated for developing practical, user-friendly and sustainable technology-enhanced learning tools / activities which add value to learning and teaching within SHTM and PolyU.

Professor Eric Tsui - nominated for leveraging Web 2.0 tools and interactive learning objects to enhance learning experience and foster a participative co-learning environment for learners and instructors.

Winner of the 2009 Teaching & Learning Innovation Award- Mr. Paul Penfold
The School of Hospitality, Tourism and Management




Purpose of the Award
The Teaching and Learning Innovation Award is to be presented in recognition of excellence and innovation in teaching and learning using a blended learning approach at the Hong Kong Polytechnic University. This award will be presented again in 2010 with a prize and certificate for 1st (12,000 HKD), 2nd (8,000 HKD), 3rd (5,000 HKD) and one Honorable mention.

Applications for this award will be assessed against criteria relating to the use of blended learning in the Hong Kong Polytechnic University context.

For the purposes of this award, blended learning is defined as the effective combination of different modes of delivery, models of teaching and styles of learning, whereby face-to-face and eLearning opportunities are optimised and integrated to maximise student learning. Promoting the wider use of blended learning is a specific objective identified in the University's Strategic Plan 2008/09-2011/12 (pg. 9).

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The 3C project is a 2-year institutional initiative at the Hong Kong Polytechnic University funded by VP(AD) in support of PolyU's strategic plan. The broad aim of the 3C Project is to enhance the eLearning / Blended Learning culture at the University. The approach used to address this is through the use of the 3 concurrent foci (3C) of collaboration, community and context.

The slogan "3C - What's in IT for me?" is a shortened version of "3C - What is in Information Technology for me?" and reflects the pragmatic underpinning of the project to assist staff at the Hong Kong Polytechnic University in considering the appropriateness of eLearning and blended learning for their context. The Teaching and Learning Innovation Award is one way of promoting the outcomes of the project and the benefits of adopting a blended learning teaching approach.

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All members of the University community can apply for this award.

Applicants may apply as an individual or as a team. For team applications, a team leader should be nominated. It is the responsibility of the team leader to determine the composition of the team for the application and to ensure that all team members are listed. The contribution of each team member needs to be clearly stated and substantiated in the application.

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The Award will be based on a single project, or a series of projects, or an individual or team's overall contribution to blended learning at the University over the period from July 2008 to June 2010. Submissions will be judged on the following criteria:
  1. Blended learning approaches used at the Hong Kong Polytechnic University that inspire and motivate students to learn
  2. Development of curricula and resources to support a blended learning approach
  3. Approaches to assessment which reflect a blended learning approach
  4. Scholarly activities related to eLearning / blended learning

Each criterion will be weighted equally and applications should ideally address all four.

Assistance Writing an Application
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A workshop will be held for staff who are interested in applying for this award. The details of this workshop are:

  • Date: Tuesday 13th April, 2009
  • Time: 10.00 - 11.30 am
  • Venue: TU616.

Staff can also contact members of the 3C Project team for assistance or further information - email 3C.project@polyu.edu.hk

Closing Date for Applications
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All submissions must be emailed to 3C.project@polyu.edu.hk by 5.00 pm - April 30th, 2010. Each application must use the appropriate application form template for the category being applied for and include the required information.

Announcement and Presentation of Award
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Up to four finalists will be selected from the applications for the Award and invited to give a presentation at the Teaching and Learning Innovation Symposium to be held on June 7th, 2010. The winner of the Teaching and Learning Innovation Award will be announced and the award presented to the 1st, 2nd , 3rd and Honorable mention prize winners after these presentations. All will receive a certificate acknowledging their prize and participation in the Teaching and Learning Innovation Award.

Guidelines and Process   back to top
Information about the selection process for the Award can be found in the Teaching and Learning Innovation Award Guidelines document, available to download here.

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