• Additional Deliverables
  • And make it the last Icon on the Features page.. please then add in this text..
    The project deliverables contribute significantly to shifting the teaching and learning culture at PolyU to include the appropriate use of blended learning approaches. However, over and above the deliverables committed to in the project plan, additional activities were undertaken under the umbrella of the 3C Project. These activities were in direct response to feedback from staff about teaching and learning issues and challenges, which were identified through discussions with staff, meeting with Deans of Faculties and Directors of Schools, and the Needs Analysis conducted for the project.

    These additional deliverables, in particular the work with individual Schools and Faculties conducted through the 3C Project, represent a significant commitment of time and resources by the Project Team members. Rather than just talk about blended learning and advocating its adoption as a teaching approach, the Project Team assisted in identifying and addressing impediments to the use of blended learning in order to help staff effectively incorporate this approach into their teaching to enhance learning outcomes for students.

    The additional deliverables were:

    1. eLearning Strategy Meeting
    2. Influence of project on LMS review
    3. SPDPs
    4. eLearning Forums
    5. Special Interest Group in Blended Learning
    6. Change to eLA composition to include Library and ITS
    7. Influence of the Project on iTunesU at PolyU.


    1. eLearning Strategy Meeting
    As part of the Spotlight on eLearning week, a meeting was organised with Professor Laurillard, senior management and representatives from Faculties and Schools. This meeting was an opportunity to discuss strategic planning and various issues relating to eLearning at PolyU. Invitations to attend this meeting were sent to VP(AD), Dean of Students, Director of IT, Head of Library, and Section Leader of eLDSS. An email was also sent to the Dean / Director and FLTC / SLTC Chairs inviting representation from all Faculties and Schools. To set the scene for the meeting, Professor Laurillard gave a brief presentation on the challenges facing institutions globally, explaining how these challenges are similar to those for PolyU. In her presentation she highlighted the importance of an eLearning strategy to an institution such as PolyU. After this presentation, there was general discussion of the issues and challenges associated with teaching and learning at PolyU and the role of eLearning at our institution. From this discussion it was agreed that the issue of developing an eLearning strategy should be pursued to ensure that everyone at PolyU understands what is meant by eLearning, how it should be used to support teaching and learning and where PolyU stands with respect to eLearning relative to other institutions locally and internationally.

    2. Influence of project on LMS review
    From the Needs Analysis, problems with the current institutional LMS – WebCT – were identified as a significant impediment to adopting a blended learning approach to teaching. This issue was raised in several forums including the eLA meetings. Problems with the current LMS continued to be discussed formally and informally, with these discussions gaining momentum in July / August 2009. In early September 2009, EDC was commissioned by VP(AD) to conduct a review to select a new LMS to replace WebCT. The LMS Review Panel consisted of directors and colleagues from EDC, ITS and the Library, along with a number of academic staff from various disciplines. A series of activities including surveys, workshops and focus group interviews were conducted to engage as many stakeholders from PolyU as possible. The recommendation by the Review Panel that PolyU adopt Moodle as its institutionally supported LMS was adopted by Professor Demokan when he was VP (AD). However, the new VP (AD), Professor Walter Yuen is still reviewing whether to adopt Moodle or Blackboard 9. Regardless of the outcome, this review has shown how important an LMS is to the work of teachers and the learning experience of students. The 3C Project provided a vehicle and impetus for this review to happen as the issue of the LMS was talked about widely amongst eLAs and others involved in the project. This unintended outcome of the project is an important example of the benefits of institutional initiatives for galvanizing action on important issues.

    3. SPDPs
    In the initial proposal for the project it was planned to work with each eLA on a specific project of their choice (giving 14 projects in total). However, as the project progressed it became clear that there was an opportunity to engage more deeply and with greater impact with Faculties and Schools under the auspice of this institutional initiative.

    • As a result it was decided to undertake a more strategic and contextually aligned set of professional development activities as part of the 3C project. These projects arose out of conversations with Deans of Faculties and Directors of Schools to become a Strategic Professional Development Plan (SPDP) for Blended Learning negotiated with each Faculty and School. These plans consisted of specific activities to be facilitated through the 3C Project that address concerns identified by an individual School or Faculty.

    A consolidated list of activities across the eight SPDPs for Blended Learning is detailed in Table 1. Some of this work has been completed, while other activities are ongoing and likely to continue beyond the life of the 3C Project given that it is being undertaken with in-kind support from eLDSS staff. Further information about these SPDPs for Blended learning can be found at http://www.3c.edc.polyu.edu.hk/spdp.html.

    Table 1.  Activities arising from the SPDPs for Blended Learning


    FAST Faculty of Applied Science and Textiles  FB Faculty of Business
    FCLU Faculty of Construction and Land Use FENG Faculty of Business
    FHSS Faculty of Health and Social Sciences FH Faculty of Business
    SD School of Design SHTM School of Hotel and Tourism Management

    4. eLearning Forums
    A number of eLearning Forums have been conducted for staff from Faculties and Schools with the focus on "The Road to 334 - and How Blended Learning can HELP?"
    The aim of these forums was to:

    • Situate the impetus for eLearning within broader and PolyU specific contexts;
    • Provide a forum for colleagues to exchange their experiences in e-learning;
    • Identify appropriate strategies to develop a more effective eLearning environment in respective Faculties and Schools for students (and teachers);
    • Provide a forum for discussion on how blended learning approaches can assist in the move to 334

    Each forum included opening remarks by the Dean or FLTC chair, a brief overview of eLearning and Blended Learning at PolyU, presentations from different departments and centers by faculty colleagues as well as some open discussion. Feedback to date on these forums has been very positive from staff attending and the goal is to offer one of these forums to all Faculties and Schools at PolyU.

    5. Special Interest Group in Blended Learning
    In conversation with the Dean and Associate Dean of the Faculty of Construction and Land Use, it was decided to offer extended professional development support and the opportunity to form a community of practice around blended learning for FCLU early career academics. To achieve this, a Special Interest Group in Blended Learning was established, with Peter Duffy (EDC) as the Convenor, and ex-officio members Professor Geoffrey Shen, Associate Dean (Teaching) and Professor J.G. Teng. Members of the Interest Group are expected to meet once every month or every two months to exchange their experiences in Blended Learning. In addition, members will also be provided with the opportunity for support in the move to the new learning management system.

    6. Change to eLA composition to include Library and ITS
    Originally the eLA role was to be for Schools and Faculties only. However, in acknowledgement of the important service role that the Library and ITS play with teaching and learning, the role was extended to include representatives from these two areas. This was a very successful approach as it was able to facilitate collaborations across areas and was particularly valuable in the discussions around issues such as WebCT, technologies to support teaching and learning, minimum online presence and the design for the eLM resource and LDTs.

    7. Influence of the Project on iTunesU at PolyU.
    Mr Gilbert Ho, Head of Apple Asia Pacific Marketing gave a keynote at the 2010 Symposium. As a follow up from this he presented a session to PolyU staff. Mr. David Chui (eLearning Advocate representing ITS) kindly arranged for Mr. Ben Hubbard (Manager, Webcast, Berkeley, Educational Technology Services, to present at PolyU a session on, “Efficiency and Engagement:  A History of Webcast.berkeley.” in which iTunes usage was highlighted and now a task force is being formed at PolyU to look at the implementation of iTunesU for PolyU as a key resource for staff and students.

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