Professor Diana Laurillard
BSc, PhD
Professor of Learning with Digital Technologies
London Knowledge Lab
23-29 Emerald Street
London WC1N 3QL
Telephone: +44 (0)20 7763 2162
Fax: +44 (0)20 7763 2162

Diana Laurillard is Professor of Learning with Digital Technologies at the London Knowledge Lab, Institute of Education, leading externally-funded research projects on developing a learning design support environment for teachers, and on developing software interventions for learners with low numeracy and dyscalculia. This work relates closely to her role as a founding member of the Planning Board for the newly established cross-institutional Centre for Educational Neuroscience (IOE, Birkbeck, UCL). She is also involved in consultancies for Imperial College, Massey University, and the Royal Navy.

Her previous roles include:

  • Head of the e-Learning Strategy Unit at the Department for Education and Skills, where she developed the first cross-sector e-learning strategy on 'Harnessing Technology';
  • Pro-Vice-Chancellor for learning technologies and teaching at The Open University,
  • Visiting Committee on IT at Harvard University.
Her current roles include: `
  • National Teaching Fellowship Scheme panel,
  • Boards of the Observatory for Borderless HE,
  • the Centre for Applied Research in Educational Technologies at the University of Cambridge,
  • Supervisory Council for FernUniversitat in Hagen,
  • Governing Board of the Unesco Institute for IT in Education.
She has given many international keynote addresses, published in many academic journals and books, and her book Rethinking University Teaching: A conversational framework for the effective use of learning technologies (2002, RoutledgeFalmer) is one of the most widely cited in the field.

Prof. Laurillard's full profile can be found here

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