edc website
eNewsletter No. 9
JULY 2010
In this issue:
Win an iPad
3C Project - Next Steps
Certificate in Blended Learning
Help us to help you
334 and 3C - Foundation Yr Trial
Teaching and Learning Innovation Symposium Resources

Welcome to the 3C Project eNewsletter

July's eNewsletter for the 3C Project brings you up to date with current and future developments of this important institutional initiative.

Your opinion matters: Take our online survey for a chance to win an iPad

Complete the online questionnaire about your views on eLearning / Blended learning and go in the draw to win an iPad. Entries close August 20, and the winner will be announced in the September edition of the 3C eNewsletter. It will only take 15 minutes of your time! Go online now at https://www2.polyu.edu.hk/edc/3c/form_p1_2010.php! Your opinion matters!
NOTE: You will be asked for your NetID to log in as a first step to the survey.
This is so we can identify the iPad winner.Your responses will remain anonymous.

3C Project - Next Steps

The3C Project will continue until April 2011 and the next stages of development focus on practical applications for PolyU staff in the area of Blended Learning. In development are - an eLearning Mapping Tool (eLM) to assist staff in delimiting the broad range of eLearning and Blended Learning possibilities to strategies suitable for their context. A series of Learning Design Templates whichprovide an initial structure for a course in the LMS, helping PolyU staff to start using their online course in a more time efficient way. They will contain predefined sample text to guide best teaching practice, a set of menu items and ready to use LMS tools and all items in a template can be further customised by PolyU staff to suit their context.

Certificate in Blended Learning

It should never be forgotten that good teaching practice is good teaching practice, whether it occurs in the classroom or online. For most teachers then, educational technology provides a means to build upon their good practice by adding an extra dimension to what they are already doing well, and by providing additional opportunities for their students. How this might work in practice in the PolyU context? To find out consider registering for the Certificate in Blended Learning (How and why), a series of 6 workshops that focus on the development of core skills in relation to ‘Blended Learning’. Attend all 6 workshops or simply register for those that interest you! Go online and register now on http://eldss.edc.polyu.edu.hk/ams/registration.aspx#a_469

Help us to help you

The move to a 4 year curriculum structure and a new Learning Management System at PolyU represents an ideal opportunity to analyze and reinvigorate our current practice for the integration of blended learning approaches into teaching, learning and assessment at the Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU)

Proposed is the development of a series of Learning Design templates that will assist PolyU staff to use learning technologies in their teaching by providing a structured and simplified overview of possible options available to them through the institutional Learning Management System (LMS)

At present we are going through a consultation process with all DLTC, FLTC, SLTC chairs, the eLearning Advocates representative of all Faculties and Schools and key stakeholders from other support units in PolyU (eg: Lib, ITS, SAO..etc)


As a next stage we are seeking academics to pilot the first of these templates, which is designed to support the establishment of a ‘minimum’ online presence in blended learning approach. The 3C team will provide all the necessary support to implement the template and evaluate its use. If you are interested in knowing more about the templates and/ or willing to help us with the pilot and offer us some feedback, please contact Dr Panos Vlachopoulos (etpanos@inet.polyu.edu.hk)
334 and 3C - 'little blends' in Foundation Yr Seminar Trial

Blending technology with face-to-face teaching is very beneficial for managing large groups of students. In anticipation of the freshmen seminars for the Faculty of Business in 2012, Professor Howard Davies has trialled using Blackboard 9 to support teaching in the Faculty's Foundation Seminar. In semester 1 last year, the 3C Project team worked with Professor Davies to set up and moderate an online component to this subject to compliment and extend the fortnightly seminars. The two classes of Foundation Seminar students attended a face-to-face class every second week and in between completed learning activities relevant to the topics being studied, such as internet-based research, electronic readings and participation in online discussion groups. The student evaluation of this delivery method was so positive that Professor Davies has decided to run the seminar in this way again this semester. The 3C Project team will again provide advice and assistance to the teachers and students participating in this seminar. With a second trial of this format, there will be plenty of opportunity to refine this blended learning approach so that it can be easily and successfully adapted for use with the freshmen seminars.
If you are interested in similar support please contact us at etpeterd@inet.polyu.edu.hk

Teaching and Learning Innovation Symposium Resources

Not able to attend the Teaching and Learning Innovation Symposium 2010 hosted by PolyU in June?

We are pleased to announce that all the videos, notes and presentations of the keynotes, plenary sessions, posters and the workshops of the Teaching and Learning Innovation Symposium 2010 are now available online on the 3C website. 

Tips and Tricks
Each eNewsletter we bring you some simple tips and tricks for using eLearning in your teaching for a blended learning approach. Here are some more - click on the link to find out more: If you need assistance with using eLearning in your teaching or would like to find out more please visit the eLDSS website or contact the 3C Project Team directly.
Peter Duffy
3C Project Leader
Educational Development Centre

Tel:2766 6316
Panos Vlachopoulos
Senior Project Fellow
3C Project
Educational Development Centre
Tel:3400 3192