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eNewsletter No. 7
In this issue:
Paul Penfold wins 2009 Teaching and Learning Innovation Award
Successful Spotlight on eLearning event and consultant’s visit

Welcome to the 3C Project eNewsletter

October's eNewsletter for the 3C Project brings news of the winner of the 2009 Teaching and Learning Innovation Award, together with an update on the events held as part of Spotlight on eLearning in October. Many thanks to those of you who took part in these events, which are featured on our website at http://www.3c.edc.polyu.edu.hk/. If you were unable to attend, you can visit our website to see what you missed out on and to download handouts, posters and more.

Mr Paul Penfold - Winner of the Teaching and Learning Innovation Award 2009

At the Award Ceremony held on Friday 16th October, Professor Sulyeman Demokan, Vice President (Academic Development) announced Paul Penfold, from School of Hotel Tourism and Management (SHTM), as winner for this year. Paul was given this award in acknowledgement of his work promoting eLearning and blended learning at PolyU, which includes developing practical, user-friendly and sustainable technology-enhanced learning tools and activities which add value to learning and teaching within SHTM and PolyU. The quality of the submissions for the 2009 award was very high, and the four finalists are to be congratulated on their significant achievements. Each finalist received a certificate and the winner also received a cheque for $25,000 HKD.

Project highlights

Spotlight on eLearning in October

Consultant's visit

From the 12th to the 16th October, Professor Diana Laurillard, a noted eLearning expert, visited PolyU from the UK. She generously shared her expertise with staff at PolyU through activities including:

  • Two workshops - one on "Pedagogic Design for Active Learning" and one on "Modelling Teacher and Learner Productivity". These workshops were well received by the many staff who attended;
  • Lunchtime meetings with the 3C Project eLearning Advocates and staff from the eLearning Development Support Section of EDC;
  • A meeting with senior management to discuss eLearning strategy and planning at PolyU;
  • Consultation with staff on eLearning related matters;
  • An open lecture given by Professor Laurillard entitled "The effective use of digital technologies for learning and teaching". This lecture was attended by around 100 people, including staff from PolyU and other Higher Education institutions in Hong Kong.

Further information about these events can be found on the 3C website, with PowerPoint slides and handouts available for download.

eLearning Showcase

The culmination of the Spotlight on eLearning week was the eLearning Showcase event held on 16th October, which consisted of:

9.30 – 11.15 Professor Laurillard’s open lecture;
11.15 – 12.15 eLearning Showcase;
12.15 – 1.15 Teaching and Learning Innovation Award Presentation

The eLearning Showcase included a display of 18 posters and demonstrations of eLearning initiatives at PolyU. The many people who attended the showcase enjoyed a light lunch while they viewed the posters and chatted with staff involved with these eLearning initiatives. The People's Choice Award for the best poster was awarded to the team of Professor Eric Tsui, Dr Patrick Fong and Dr Adela Lau for their poster on "Learning and Practising Knowledge Harnessing and Sharing Techniques in the WebCT Vista Environment".

Thanks to everyone who contributed to the Spotlight on eLearning events - without your support and participation it would not have been the success it was. We hope you found it stimulating and gave you food for thought.

Upcoming 3C Project Activities

After the excitement of the consultancy visit, the eLearning Showcase and the Teaching and Learning Innovation Award, over the next few months the 3C Project team is looking forward to:
  • working on eLearning projects developed in consultation with Faculties and Schools, which will be completed with the help of staff from the eLearning Development Support Section (eLDSS) in the Educational Development Centre (EDC);
  • conducting eLearning Roadshows in Faculties and Schools to help raise awareness of the possibilities for using eLearning to support student-centred learning approaches and to address teaching and learning challenges such as Outcome-based education;
  • planning for the Blended Learning Symposium to be held in June 2010, with the website due to be launched very soon;
  • continuing to promote eLearning and Blended learning at PolyU in support of teaching excellence.
If you would like to find out more about the Spotlight on eLearning events, or anything about the 3C Project in general, just visit our website at www.3c.edc.edu.hk or contact Peter or Christine.
Peter Duffy
3C Project Leader
Educational Development Centre

Tel:2766 6316
Christine Armatas
Senior Project Fellow 3C Project
Educational Development Centre
Tel:3400 3192