edc website
eNewsletter No. 5
In this issue:
Applications for the Teaching and Learning Innovation Award closed.
Spotlight on eLearning in October.
The first virtual university campus in Asia
More Blended Learning Tips and Tricks

Welcome to the 3C Project eNewsletter

In the fifth eNewsletter for the 3C Project, we bring you up to date with what's been happening with this important institutional project, funded by VP(AD) to help develop a strong eLearning and Blended Learning culture at PolyU. You can find out more about the project and the project team at our website http://www.3c.edc.polyu.edu.hk/

Applications for the Teaching and Learning Innovation Award 2009 closed

A total of 19 applications from across PolyU were received for this inaugural award. All the Faculties were represented, together with CyberU, Hong Kong Community College and School of Hotel and Tourism Management. Applications from teams and individuals were received which covered a range of interesting and innovative blended learning approaches to teaching at PolyU.

The Selection Panel for the Award will meet in mid-September to decide the four finalists. The finalists will give a brief presentation at the eLearning Showcase event to be held on the 16th October (more about this later in this eNewsletter) after which the winner of the 2009 Teaching and Learning Innovation Award will be announced and presented by Professor Demokan, Vice President (Academic Development).

The response to this award has been very positive and it is pleasing to see the high level of commitment to innovative teaching and learning using eLearning and blended learning at PolyU. The eLearning Showcase event is another opportunity to promote and celebrate achievements in this area. For details see the later section of this eNewsletter.
Project highlights

Spotlight on eLearning in October

In October 2009 we will be shining a spotlight on eLearning at PolyU.

Visiting Consultant
From the 12th to the 16th October Professor Diana Laurillard, noted international expert on eLearning from London Knowledge Lab, will be visiting the University. She will be conducting workshops and consulting with staff during her visit and will deliver an open lecture on Friday 16th October as part of the eLearning Showcase event.

Diana Laurillard is Professor of Learning with Digital Technologies at the London Knowledge Lab, Institute of Education, leading externally-funded research projects on developing a learning design support environment for teachers, and on developing software interventions for learners with low numeracy and dyscalculia. This work relates closely to her role as a founding member of the Planning Board for the newly established cross-institutional Centre for Educational Neuroscience (IOE, Birkbeck, UCL). She is also involved in consultancies for Imperial College, Massey University, and the Royal Navy.

Previous roles Professor Laurillard has had include: Head of the e-Learning Strategy Unit at the Department for Education and Skills, where she developed the first cross-sector e-learning strategy on ‘Harnessing Technology’; Pro-Vice-Chancellor for learning technologies and teaching at The Open University, Visiting Committee on IT at Harvard University. Her current roles include: National Teaching Fellowship Scheme panel, Boards of the Observatory for Borderless HE, the Centre for Applied Research in Educational Technologies at the University of Cambridge, Supervisory Council for FernUniversität in Hagen, Governing Board of the Unesco Institute for IT in Education. She has given many international keynote addresses, published in many academic journals and books, and her book Rethinking University Teaching: A conversational framework for the effective use of learning technologies (2002, RoutledgeFalmer) is one of the most widely cited in the field.

We are very fortunate to have Professor Laurillard agree to visit PolyU and to share her experience and expertise with us all.

eLearning Showcase
On the 16th October, the 3C Project is hosting an all-day event, starting with Professor Laurillard’s open lecture at 9.15 am. Then between 11.15 and 12.15 a Blended Learning Showcase will be presented, with posters and demonstrations of eLearning initiatives at PolyU on display. A light lunch will be served during the Showcase.

Those who attend the eLearning Showcase can vote for the poster or demonstration they think is the most innovative use of eLearning. Everyone who votes will go into the draw for a prize, the winner of which will be drawn at 1.15 pm, along with the announcement of the most popular eLearning poster or demonstration.

Presentation of the 2009 Teaching and Learning Innovation Award
Following the eLearning Showcase on the 16th October, from 12.15 to 1.00 pm the finalists for the 2009 Teaching and Learning Innovation Award will each give a brief presentation on their applications. Following these presentations, the winner of the 2009 Teaching and Learning Innovation Award will be announced by VP (AD) and a presentation of the award made.

We would encourage you to get involved in the activities planned for this week and to present at the eLearning Showcase if appropriate. Visit our website for further details (www.3c.edc.polyu.edu.hk) or contact Peter or Christine.
The first virtual university campus in Asia
CoreSL is pleased to announce the official opening of the first virtual university campus in Asia on September 25, 2009. A virtual PolyU Campus has been built in the 3D online world Second Life to support a variety of teaching & learning activities. The virtual efforts began in 2007, with the design of a virtual hotel, and with the help of the EDC, and now the 3C project, they have grown since then into a campus-wide effort that welcomes all who wish to use it in their teaching or learning.

During the past two academic years, colleagues from the Department of Applied Social Sciences (APSS), the Department of Computing (COMP), SHTM, SD, and the Pao Yue-kong library (LIB) have organized blended learning activities which utilized Second Life for more than ten courses and over 500 staff and students.

September 24-26, CoreSL is cooperating with universities worldwide to hold the first international conference in Second Life.

A series of local events and international presentations will be held for educators and students, including:

  • Grand Opening of the virtual PolyU campus
  • Staff and Student Training workshops
  • Teaching & Learning in Second Life
  • International paper presentations

For more details on how YOU can get involved, please refer to: http://coresl.edc.polyu.edu.hk/
Tips and Tricks
Each eNewsletter we bring you some simple tips and tricks for using eLearning in your teaching for a blended learning approach. Here are some more - click on the link to find out more: If you need assistance with using eLearning in your teaching or would like to find out more please visit the eLDSS website or contact the 3C Project Team directly.
Peter Duffy
3C Project Leader
Educational Development Centre

Tel:2766 6316
Christine Armatas
Senior Project Fellow 3C Project
Educational Development Centre
Tel:3400 3192