edc website
eNewsletter No. 4
JULY 2009
In this issue:
Getting help with your application for the Teaching and Learning Innovation Award to meet
the 28th August deadline.
The verdict on the "Testing myths about blended learning - You be the Judge!" workshop!
Find out how the Library staff can help your students develop effective information literacy skills.
More Blended Learning Tips and Tricks

Welcome to the 3C Project eNewsletter

In the fourth eNewsletter for the 3C Project, we bring you up to date with what's been happening with this important institutional project, funded by VP(AD) to help develop a strong eLearning and Blended Learning culture at PolyU. You can find out more about the project and the project team at our website http://www.3c.edc.polyu.edu.hk/

Need help applying for the Teaching and Learning Innovation Award 2009?

Applications for the 2009 Teaching and Learning Innovation Award close on the 28th August. For those of you who are interested in putting in an application, but would like some guidance or assistance you can:

  • Go to the 3C website (www.3c.edc.polyu.edu.hk) and click on the link to the Award website. Here you will find the application forms and written guidelines;
  • Look at the material presented at the workshop held for staff interested in applying for the Award, which includes a powerpoint presentation and some advice on how to address each of the criteria.
Among the things discussed at the workshop were:

  • how to complete the application form and address the four criteria on which the award will be judged;
  • who will be on the selection panel for the Award and
  • assistance that the 3C Project Team can provide such as reading and commenting on draft applications.
For those of you who missed the workshop, but are interested in finding out more, please contact the 3C Team for details.
Project highlights

The verdict on myths about blended learning!

Those of you familiar with the Discovery Channel series Myth Busters, will recognise the format we used for our workshop - "Testing myths about blended learning - You be the Judge!"

Each Myth Busters episode, the hosts Jamie and Adam examine common myths and use science to show whether the myths are true or not. For our workshop we used a similar format. We used a range of resources and types of evidence to examine four myths about eLearning and blended learning, which were based on comments we have heard from staff around PolyU. These included the myth that "If I ignore it long enough, blended learning and eLearning will eventually go away" And "If I put my lecture notes online, students will stop coming to my lectures".

And the verdict?

Well, using evidence from a variety of sources such as research papers, student interviews and personal experience, most of these myths were, as the Myth Busters would say, BUSTED!

If you are interested in seeing an example of the Myth Busters' work have a look at this YouTube video of the team defeating a hi-tech finger print lock.

The video of our workshop will be available soon! In the meantime you can see materials and resources we used at the workshop online at www.3c.edc.polyu.edu.hk/workshops/Myths_workshop.

Information Literacy for Your Students - How PolyU Library can help.

Information literacy is an important skill that students' need to develop and PolyU Library staff offer a range of programs to help students develop independent learning and research skills. Programs can be tailored to meet your students' needs in a discipline-specific context, with flexibility in the topics and duration of the program.

With the new academic year about to begin, why not get your students off to a flying start by including a session with the Library. To make the most of this opportunity, you should contact your Library representative to discuss your needs as soon as possible.
Tips and Tricks
Each eNewsletter we bring you some simple ways to use eLearning in your teaching for a blended learning approach. Here are some more - click on the link to find out more: If you need assistance with using eLearning in your teaching or would like to find out more please visit the eLDSS website or contact the 3C Project Team directly.
Peter Duffy
3C Project Leader
Educational Development Centre

Tel:2766 6316
Christine Armatas
Senior Project Fellow 3C Project
Educational Development Centre
Tel:3400 3192