edc website
eNewsletter No. 2
MAY 2009
In this issue:
The winner of iPod Touch in our eLearning questionnaire promotion
eLearning Consultants visiting PolyU
$25,000 Teaching and Learning Innovation Award
Blended Learning opportunities for Faculties and Schools

Welcome to the 3C Project eNewsletter

This is the second newsletter for the 3C project. This project is funded by VP(AD) in support of PolyU's strategic plan and aims to assist Faculties and Schools in the development of a strong eLearning and Blended Learning culture. Through this newsletter we will bring you up to date with project activities - what's been done, what's coming up, what's of interest to you. We hope to be able to engage with as many PolyU staff as possible to promote the use of eLearning in ways suited to your needs. You can find out more about the project and the project team at our website http://www.3c.edc.polyu.edu.hk/

And the winner is ...

Richard Pang Chun Yu

The winning entry in our eLearning Questionnaire promotion was Richard Pang Chun Yu. Dr Angela Ho, Director of PolyU's Educational Development Centre drew out the winning entry on Monday 1st June. Richard will be presented with his iPod Touch by 3C Project Leader Peter Duffy later this week when he returns from leave.

Director of EDC, Dr Angela Ho drawing out and announcing the
winning entry in the eLearning Questionnaire Win an iPod promotion.
Project highlights

Visiting eLearning Consultants

The 3C Project has been fortunate in securing the services of two internationally renowed eLearning experts - Professor Gilly Salmon and Professor Diana Laurillard - to help promote the benefits of blended learning approaches.

Professor Laurillard has agreed to visit PolyU from the 12th to 16th October 2009.

During her visit she will collaborate within departments, with the eLearning Advocates and with the wider PolyU community through various dissemination events.

Professor Salmon has agreed to be the keynote speaker at the Teaching Innovation Symposium to be held in June 2010 as part of the 3C Project.

As well as giving the keynote at the symposium, Professor Salmon will engage with staff at PolyU through various activities to share her expertise on best practice in eLearning.
These visiting consultants will help the project team to engage with staff at PolyU and to raise the profile of blended learning. They have an important role to play in ensuring that the 3C Project has the appropriate impact, weight and essential engagement with the staff associated with the project and the wider PolyU community.
Teaching and Learning Innovation Award

In both 2009 and 2010 a Teaching and Learning Innovation Award will be presented through the 3C Project to recognize excellence and innovation in the use of blended learning at PolyU. As well as the award, the successful recipient will receive a stipend of $25,000 HKD towards their own professional development. The inaugural Teaching and Learning Innovation Award will be presented at the eLearning Showcase to be held in October 2009. Details on how to apply for this award and the selection criteria will be available in our next newsletter.

Next Steps

Blended Learning Opportunities in Faculties and Schools

Over the last month the 3C Team has been meeting with Deans and Directors of Schools to discuss activities we could hold within Faculties and Schools to help raise awareness of possibilities for using blended learning and to help staff use more eLearning in their teaching. Some of the activities we have planned include:

  • Lunchtime seminars on how to use various eLearning tools or technologies in a blended learning approach.

  • A Blended Learning Roadshow tailored to the context of each Faculty or School, which showcases blended learning already happening in that area and addresses some of the concerns and misconceptions staff may have about blended learning.

  • Support for Faculties and Schools in considering Blended Learning approaches related to 3+3+4.

  • Integrating OBE and Blended Learning - a best fit.

  • The Freshman seminar and how Blended Learning can benefit.

If you have ideas for activities you would like to see happen, please let us know - just send us an email!

Tips and Tricks
In the last newsletter we brought you three simple ways to use eLearning in your teaching for a blended learning approach. Here are some more - click on the link to find out more: If you need assistance with using eLearning in your teaching or would like to find out more please visit the eLDSS website or contact the 3C Project Team directly.
Peter Duffy
3C Project Leader
Educational Development Centre

Tel:2766 6316
Christine Armatas
Senior Project Fellow 3C Project
Educational Development Centre
Tel:3400 6316