edc website
eNewsletter No. 10
In this issue:
Winner of iPad
Blended Learning and & 334 - Open Forum
Piloting the Learning Design Templates
Tips and Tricks

Welcome to the 3C is Project eNewsletter

The eNewsletter for the 3C Project brings you up to date with current and future developments of this important institutional initiative

And the winner is ...

Ng Hung Lam

The winning entry in our eLearning Questionnaire promotion was Ng Hung Lam from School of Computing. Professor Walter Yuen, Vice President Academic Development, drew out the winning entry on Wed 25 August during the Blended Learning & 334 @ PolyU – Open forum.  Peter Duffy accepted the iPad on behalf of the winner. Ng Hung Lam visited Dr Panos Vlachopoulos the following days and received his new iPad! Thank you to the 400+ members of PolyU staff who took time to complete our survey.


Peter Duffy accepting the iPad from
Professor Yuen in the absence of Ng Hung Lam


A delighted Ng Hung Lam receives his
new iPad from Dr Panos Vlachopoulos

Blended Learning & 334 @ PolyU - Open Forum

On the 25 August 2010, the 3C Project hosted an Open Forum on Blended Learning and the opportunities arising from the 4 year curriculum structure for analyzing and reinvigorating current practice for the integration of blended learning approaches into teaching, learning and assessment at PolyU. During the Forum the audience had the opportunity to enhance their understanding on how Blended Learning can assist them with the move to the 4 year curriculum, to find out about some of the most innovative uses of Blended Learning delivery in PolyU, and to discuss the value and use of the 3C’s proposed Learning Design Templates. The event was well attended by PolyU staff.


Teresa Liew presents a demo on Rapids Scenario Based Learning


Dr Panos Vlachopoulos discusses the Learning Design Templates with PolyU staff during the Blended Learning Forum.

Piloting the Learning Design Templates

The first of the Learning Deign Templates is currently being trialed in Semester 1, 2010, by Professor Howard Davies and his students on the ‘Foundations Year Seminar’ and by Mr Murray MacKenzie  and his students on the ‘Wine Studies’ course. The students in both courses welcomed the opportunity to be able to access materials in a flexible way using the Learning Management System as well as the ability to interact with each other and with their teachers through online discussions. The feedback to date has been encouraging. Our aim is to evaluate the use of the first Template, refine it and make it available to all teaching staff for Semester 2.

If you are interested in knowing more about the templates and/ or are willing to help us with the pilot and offer us some feedback, please contact Dr Panos Vlachopoulos (etpanos@inet.polyu.edu.hk).

Tips and Tricks
  1. Establish online group-working spaces for  sharing resources and documents. Students can easily establish their own shared spaces through setting up a blog or a wiki. Most Learning Managed Systems (LMS), like WebCT, Blackboard or Moodle, allow the teacher to set up private group areas and discussion boards.
  2. Get the students to write the lecturers! Not literally, of course, but perhaps each week a different group  of students can collaborate in the LMS to research the next week’s lecture topic and then put together  a short PowerPoint presentation on what they have found out, and key questions they have identified. They can easily do this in their  course online discussions. This can be provided to the teacher for some feedback or can be used in its submitted format  for exploring the topic during the lecture, with the teacher elaborating.

If you need assistance with using eLearning in your teaching or would like to find out more please visit the eLDSS website or contact the 3C Project Team directly.

Peter Duffy
3C Project Leader
Educational Development Centre

Tel:2766 6316
Panos Vlachopoulos
Senior Project Fellow
3C Project
Educational Development Centre
Tel:3400 3192